At Alko Vintages, we focus on making wines that reflect the land they come from and the people who cultivate the grapes.

Our selection of vineyards considers the local traditions and generational heritage, which connects our products with the people and the land.

We are more excited about the wine that speaks for the people of Dodoma, Tanzania and by extension the people of East Africa.

A majority of our vineyards are owned by small-scale farmers within Dodoma region, most of whom are from the Gogo (Wagogo) tribe of Tanzania.


The Gogo have historically been predominantly pastoralist and Patrilineal, but many contemporary Gogo today practice settled agriculture.


Viticulture, which was introduced to the region by the missionaries during the pre-independence time, has subtly become a part of the Gogo tradition.

Our concept of viticulture seeks to maintain the traditions of the Gogo people, while giving them a unique opportunity to transform their communities through education and trade. We promote organic farming practices using animal manure, which has been an age-old practice among the Gogo.

Similarly, all our products are inspired by the features and character of our beloved country. This more so because we believe in the spirit of patriotism as inspired by our founding father, the late, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere.

Alko Vintages is proudly Tanzanian and subscribes to philosophy of knowledge (education) for self-reliance.  We believe that through education, everyone is empowered to make a difference for themselves and the community.

Our model of viticulture and oenology is anchored in economic empowerment of local communities.